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7 Time Management Tips For Small Business Professionals

The Bad News is Time Flies. The Good News is You’re The Pilot!

Do you find that Time Flies?  This is true for many, especially when one is a real estate agent, a trucker, or a small business owner. We all have the same number of hours in a day, but why is it that some are able to accomplish so much more than others with the same given time.  My guess is they are great at time management.  

After doing a little research on this topic, several time management tips kept recurring.  Here are 7 that would be at the top of my list. If you have difficulty managing your time then these tips may prove helpful.


Without a schedule of one kind or another, your time is likely going to get away from you or be infringed upon. At first, thinking through and making a schedule may seem like adding to your workload and using up more of your valuable time, but from my reading and personal experience, I am convinced that in the long run, it will pay off.

There are different ways to schedule one’s time and the following is just one suggestion.  First, take a look at the week ahead and what you know is coming up, and take note. This is usually a good task for a Friday afternoon or a Sunday evening.  Secondly, make a note of what you would like to and need to accomplish each day and prioritize. If at all possible drop non-essentials and/or delegate. Finally, divide your time into the morning, afternoon, and possibly evening. Keep in mind your personality.  If mornings are your most productive time, schedule the most focus-required tasks then.  For myself, I am more productive in the afternoon, and therefore leave more rote tasks for the morning.

One item that will help with scheduling is a scheduling tool like Google Calendar.  Find one that works best for you.


Trying to do too many things at once may mean that each task is not getting the attention it deserves and more often than not may lead to mistakes.  In turn, this will mean taking time to correct them.  In order to accomplish tasks proficiently, particularly focussed work, it is important to tune out superfluous noise. This may mean turning off distractions like email and social media pings or putting your phone on vibrate or silent mode.  Furthermore, know your tipping point.  When you have worked effectively for a block of time, take a short break.  Blocks of 30 – 45 minutes work well.  A short break may be as simple as standing to stretch or taking a short walk to get a glass of water or a cup of coffee.


Emails have a funny way of piling up on many.  If this is you perhaps the following will help.  First, determine ideally how many emails you would like to have in your inbox.  This will vary from person to person, but no more than 10 is a good rule of thumb.  Second, when you check your emails determine the following…

  • Can this email be deleted?  If yes, do it.
  • Does this email require a response?  If not, archive.  If yes, and it is a short response, respond immediately.
  • Does this email require a longer response?  If yes, archive and come back later in the day.
  • Finally, check your archived emails and answer them.


Social media has become an integral part of doing business.  These various forms of online communication are ways to share information, develop relationships, and enhance business.  However, without careful consideration, social media can also become a time sucker monster.  In order to control the amount of time spent on social media, the following steps may help.  First, determine what is the right mix of social media that works best for your customer.  Second, use a content managing system (CMS).  One example is Hootsuite.  Here you can organize and manage all of your social media content, and access it all from one place.  Furthermore, you can schedule updates and post to one or multiple networks.  This will save significantly on time.

Tip 5: REST

In order to be productive/to make the most of your time, it is important to be rested.  Knowing oneself is key.  Not everybody requires the same amount of sleep, but generally speaking 7-8 hours of sleep a night seems to be a good rule of thumb.  Be aware of how many hours of sleep you require in order to function well.  Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, not everyone functions optimally at the same time of day.  Be aware if you are a morning or afternoon/evening person. Finally, be sure to schedule breaks throughout your day.


When your space is organized you will avoid wasting time looking for things, and more than likely you will have clear mental space which will, in turn, be conducive for productivity.


Distractions and opportunities come in many forms.  Sometimes it is a person asking something of you, or an event that initially looks inviting.  Before committing, count the cost.  If you really don’t have the time, or it is something you are not comfortable with, or it just is not a good fit, then freely decline.

As mentioned at the outset, we all have the same amount of time, we just need to learn how to manage it wisely, after all, we are the pilot.

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